Who was Antonio Landín?

 Twenty-six years old when he took charge of the Mexican Consular Agency in Columbus, he was a Mexican citizen, though his service file doesn't indicate where he was born. In the spring of 1919, he visited his ailing father in Mexico City and he took up residence there following his dismissal from the Consular Service. Maybe he was from the capital? 

He served briefly in the Mexican Secret Service under the Carranza government. After filling in for an absentee Consul in Calexico, he received the official assignment in Columbus. 

He was single when he took up his post, but by 1919 the Columbus Courier reported that “Mrs. A. Landín” accompanied him at weddings and independence day celebrations. He contributed to WWI fundraising efforts, organized the Mexican community in Columbus, and contributed personal funds to help renovate the local Catholic church. 

The Courier noted that he had many friends in Columbus.

Information card from Landín's personnel file, expediente 3-19-40, Archivo Historico Génaro Estrada, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Mexico City


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